Social Networks ? Social Directories !

The next design task was to manage the access to that information. Who is allowed to create a record, who is allowed to edit that data and for social network services most important, who is allowed to read a record, or parts of that and to add some additional info such as a comment, a link or a photo.

But - those are in fact by design not social network services, but more accurately social directory services.

You wouldn't call a house a network, though a network of media might run through a building.A big building has a directory, the list of names of companies or occupants and may even offer a direct "access" - buzzer. A town is usually not designated as a network, however the streets connecting the houses form a network.

In the same way is a social network service basically a directory of nodes - us, the people. Therefore we should call Facebook, LinkedIn etc what they really are: social directory services.

And the fact that services like Facebook and LinkedIn are designed as directories, and not open networks, might be their biggest economic threat - rather than the next direct competitor.
Hierarchical Tree Structure: National Cancer Institute NCI
Social Network Graph: Picture of Wikipedia, Daniel Tenerife, Ejemplo de diagrama de una red social
Fernandodosantos, Lista telefônica Guia Fácil, edição de Blumenau para o ano de 2012
London Underground, Waldemar Gminski
Stages in the self-organization of a network, based on Nagler, J., Levina, A., & Timme, M. (2011). Impact of single links in competitive percolation by Takemori39,
Network Overlay vy Ludovic Ferre
The Opte Project